Everything You Need to Know About Coffee Beans Espresso

Coffee Beans Espresso in a glass cup next to some roasted coffee beans and a cloth

One of the most popular coffee drinks enjoyed around the world is espresso. This type of coffee has a distinct flavour and texture that comes from using finely ground espresso beans brewed at high pressure. To get an excellent cup of espresso, you must start with quality espresso beans and grind them to the correct size. In this guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about selecting and preparing coffee beans for use in your espresso machine.

We'll cover topics such as what types of espresso beans are best suited for espresso, how to select freshness when buying espresso coffee beans, grinding techniques for achieving optimal particle size, storage tips for preserving freshness after purchase, and more! With these tips in mind, you can ensure every cup of espresso tastes delicious and packs a punch with its full-bodied flavour profile.

Different Types of Coffee Beans for Espresso

When it comes to espresso, the type of beans you choose makes a big difference. Generally speaking, darker roasts with low acidity and higher concentrations of oils are the best for espresso. Some of the most popular types of beans used are:

  • Arabica: Known for its balanced flavour profile and sweetness, Arabica beans make a great choice for espresso. In addition, it tends to have less bitterness and acidity than Robusta beans.
  • Robusta: Robusta beans are high in caffeine and oils, making them ideal for espresso. They have a strong flavour profile with higher concentrations of bitterness and acidity compared to Arabica beans.
  • Blends: Combining different types of espresso beans can help create a unique flavour. Blends are great for experimenting with and finding the perfect espresso flavour you desire.

Coffee Beans Espresso in a glass cup next to some roasted coffee beans

Why Fresh Coffee Beans are Important for Espresso

Using fresh coffee beans is one of the most important aspects of making great espresso. Here are some reasons why:

  • Fresher beans have more flavour and aroma - The flavours in freshly roasted beans are much more pronounced than when they've been sitting on a shelf for weeks or months. In addition, the aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans is much more pleasing and inviting.
  • Fresher beans are less likely to be bitter - Bitter-tasting espresso can be caused by stale or old beans that have lost much of their flavour and oils over time. With fresh dark roasted coffee beans, you can avoid this problem and enjoy a cup of espresso with the perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness.
  • Fresher beans offer better crema - Crema is the creamy foam that forms on top of espresso when it’s brewed correctly. This foamy layer adds richness to your cup that brings out all the subtle flavours in the drink. The fresher your beans, the more likely you are to get a nice thick crema.
  • Fresher espresso roast beans produce better espresso extraction - Extraction is the process of drawing out all the flavours, aromas, and oils from the coffee grounds in order to make an excellent cup of espresso. Freshly roasted beans provide more flavour and oil that result in a stronger extraction than stale beans.
  • Fresher beans are more economical - Stale espresso and coffee beans won't yield the same flavour or aroma, so you'll likely need to use more of them in order to get the desired taste. With regular coffee beans, however, you can use less and still achieve excellent results.
  • Fresher beans make it easier to adjust the grind size - The grind size is an important factor when making espresso. It affects how quickly or slowly the hot water passes through the grounds and can impact not only flavour but also texture. With dark roast fresh beans, you'll have more control over adjusting the grind so that it’s just right for your espresso machine.
  • Fresher beans give you access to a wider variety of flavours - Coffee beans come in many different varieties, and fresh beans offer the best way to explore all their unique flavours. With fresher dark roast beans, you can experiment with different roasts, blends, and origins to create the perfect cup of espresso!

Selecting Freshness When Buying Coffee Beans

When it comes to getting the best flavour from your espresso, freshness is key. If you're buying the best coffee beans from a store or online, be sure to check:

  • Date of Roast: Look for the date that the beans were roasted. The closer it is to today, the fresher your beans will be. When purchasing beans that were already ground, look for a date printed on the package.
  • Aroma and Appearance: Fresh coffee beans should have an intense aroma and be uniform in colour. If they appear dull or lack fragrance, it's best to avoid them. Your medium roast beans should also be dense and not too brittle.
  • Origin: Freshness and quality can vary based on where the beans were grown. Look for beans that come from a reputable source to ensure they are of high quality.
  • Grading: Coffee dark roasts beans are usually graded based on size and shape. For espresso, you want to look for beans that are graded “superior” or higher.

Coffee Beans Espresso in a glass cup next to some roasted coffee beans

Grinding Techniques for Optimal Particle Size

Once you've selected the right type of bean, it's time to grind them into the correct particle size. Espresso machines require a very fine grind, which can be achieved through various methods. You can buy an espresso grinder to manually grind the dark roast coffee beans, or you can use a blade grinder with consistent results. If you have access to a cafe, ask them what type of grind they use and replicate it at home.

In addition to the grind, you also need to take into account the amount of coffee used. Generally speaking, a single shot of espresso should use 7-8 grams of ground beans. For larger drinks like lattes or cappuccinos, double shots are recommended and require around 15-16 grams of ground coffee.

Storage Tips for Preserving Coffee Freshness

Once you've ground your beans, it's important to store them properly to prevent oxidation and maintain flavour.

  • Air-Tight Containers: Keeping your espresso blend beans in an airtight container helps to preserve freshness and flavour. Look for something with a tight seal like a Mason jar or Ziploc bag.
  • Cool and Dry Conditions: Coffee dark chocolate beans should be stored in cool, dry conditions such as the pantry or refrigerator. Avoid storing them in direct sunlight or near heat sources as this can dry out the espresso shot beans.
  • Whole Beans: Buy your coffee in whole bean form and only grind it when you’re ready to use it. This preserves the flavour longer than pre-ground dark and medium beans.
  • Coffee Volumes: Make sure to purchase enough coffee for the number of shots you’ll be making. Consuming a fresh bag of the same coffee beans each time will ensure optimal flavour.


Making the perfect espresso is an art that requires sourcing the freshest beans, grinding them to the correct particle size, and storing them properly. With a little bit of knowledge and practice, you can become an expert in making quality espresso drinks!

So next time you go to buy your beans for espresso, remember to check the date, smell, look, and source of the beans. Grind them only when you’re ready to use them and store them properly in airtight containers in cool, dry conditions. With these tips, you can make sure your espresso tastes delicious every time!

At Artisan Coffee Beans, we take pride in sourcing and roasting the freshest coffee beans for espresso. Shop our selection of premium beans today to find the perfect one for you! And don't forget to join our Coffee Club and get fresh beans delivered right to your door every month.

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